The Virtue of Islam

The Virtue Of Islam

The Virtue of Islam

by Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab

Chapter 8 | Hadeeth from Jareer narrated from ‘Abdullaah

Chapter 8 | Hadeeth recorded from Abu Hurairah

Chapter 9 | Hadeeth from Anas that Allah conceals tawbah from the people of bid’ah

Chapter 9 | Hadeeth narrated from Hasan Al Basri that people of bid’ah will not be guided to repentance

Chapter 10 | Explanation of Verses 65-67 in Surah Al Imran

Chapter 10 | Explanation of Verse 130 in Surah Al Baqarah

Chapter 10 | Hadeeth about who are Awliyaa (supporters, protectors) of Prophet (ﷺ)

Chapter 10 | Hadeeth narrated from Anas

Chapter 11 | Explanation of Verse 30 in Surah Ar-Rum

Chapter 11 | Explanation of Verse 132 in Surah Al-Baqarah

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