The Virtue of Islam

The Virtue Of Islam

The Virtue of Islam

by Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab

Chapter 6 | Explanation of Verse 78 in Surah Al-Hajj

Chapter 6 | Hadeeth from Al-Haarith Al-Ash’aree about the five things that has commanded by Allah

Chapter 7 | Explanation of the Verse 208 in Surah Al-Baqarah

Chapter 7 | Explanation of the Verse 60 in Surah An-Nisa

Chapter 7 | Explanation of the Verse 159 in Surah An-An’am

Chapter 7 | Explanation of the Verse 106 in Surah Al-Imran

Chapter 7 | Hadeeth from Abdullah ibn Umar about the split of the Ummah

Chapter 8 | Explanation of Verse 48 in Surah An-Nisa

Chapter 8 | Explanation of Verse 144 in Surah Al-An’am

Chapter 8 | Explanation of Verse 25 in Surah An-Nahl

Chapter 8 | Hadeeth about Khawarij and prohibition to kill tyrannical leaders if they pray As-Salah

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