Q&A Sessions


Q&A Sessions

with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan

100. Is it permissible for Muslim women to watch soccer games?

99. What if Imam goes to Ruku before I finished Surah Al-Fatihah?

98. Is it better to pray Fajr Sunnah prayer at home or in the masjid?

97. If kids do wrong to parents, is better to forget or make a remark?

96. Is Online Niqah permissible in Islam?

95. Should we join a row in a masjid that starts on the left or right?

94. What if I do a good deed, but forgot to make an intention?

93. Is it allowed to stay in the masjid after prayer and talk loudly?

92. The question of Islamic finance on a specific example?

91. What criteria show that Alim is the Alim?

90. What punishment from Allah if a person does not repent of his sins?

89. Are parents responsible if a child gets misguided in college?

88. Is idle talk considered a sinful act?

87. Are student loans allowed in Islam?

86. Is it allowed to ask Allah to make you die?

85. Do not say, if only I had done such and such.

84. Should obligatory prayers missed for two years be made up?

83. Should you continue to teach dependent if he continues to disobey?

82. How can we love Allah and Prophet more than our parents and family?

81. What if someone does Hijrah, but not for the sake of Allah?

80. How to explain to kids that Allah is He?

79. Should obligatory prayers missed for two years be made up?

78. Can you explain the hadith about removing obstacles from the road?

77. Should we say the du’a Istikhara before or after Salam?

76. What if dog touches your clothing?

75. Should everyone seek the knowledge?

74. Can we reveal the names of the people we give charity to?

73. Is it allowed to pray Dhuhr Sunnah prayer after Asr?

72. Will Shafa’ah be given only to those with whom Allah is pleased?

71. How not to waste the time?

70. Is life insurance halal or not?

69. Is it better to pray the night prayer before Fajr or after Isha?

68. How to pray on an airplane when it is difficult to pray standing?

67. Rukhsa rules when you travel but return home on the same day.

66. If you started the Witr prayer and hearing the adhan for Fajr?

65. Is it better to get knowledge from a scholar?

64. In how many days is it better to finish the Qur’an?

63. Is there a rukhsa for truckers to shorten and combine prayers?

62. Should we as Muslims take care of our body?

61. How should a Muslim behave throughout the day?

60. Should we always ask Allah to renew our iman?

59. When you want to go to the toilet, but you endure to catch a prayer?

58. When we have a guest, and the food is served and it’s time for prayer?

57. Is it allowed to do auctions during fundraisers?

56. Is it allowed to use music or other sinful means for fundraiser?

55. Do I need to remove the band-aid to perform wudu?

54. Do angels wait six hours for a person to repent to Allah?

53. Can a headstone be placed to mark the burial site?

52. Allah guides a person to repentance.

51. How would someone know that he has the Ikhlas?

50. Can the grave be tamped or leveled with a machine?

49. Can we make du’a when we recite the Quran during the night prayer?

48. When is it guaranteed that du’a and prayers are accepted?

47. Can we recite short surahs during the night prayer?

46. Is it better to give Zakat locally or send it to poor relatives?

45. Will the people of bid’ah get shaf’ah?

44. What are our minimum obligations of Da’wah?

43. Can I read the Quran from my phone during the night prayer?

42. Is it better for men to perform Sunnah prayer at home?

41. Is eating haram food a reason why dua may not be accepted?

40. Are we allowed to work for a real estate company?

39. Can you give an example from the Qur’an about optimism?

38. How to reach ajar of Ishraq if you can’t wait until it’s time?

37. Is it permissible to shift the time of Iqama?

36. Is ishraq and Duha salat the same prayer?

35. Is it from sunnah to make the Adhan in the ear of a newborn?

34. What are the virtues of Salat al-Duha?

33. How to differentiate whisper of sheitan from the desire of own nafs?

32. How to tell kids not to go to Halloween tomorrow?

31. Is Zoom Niqah Valid in Islam?

30. Hadith about the number of people in Jannah compared to hellfire.

29. Is it permissible to put on false nails for girls?

28. Is it permissible to divide wealth while a person is still alive?

27. Should we pray the Sunnah prayer when we travel?

26. How many rakat of Duha is Sunnah to pray?

25. How should we follow the order in the Quran to lower the gaze?

24. Should we pray the Sunnah prayer when we go to Umrah?

23. Is it obligatory for men to pray in congregation in the masjid?

22. What if you are making du’a, but haven’t received an answer yet?

21. Will people of lower level of Jannah be able to meet the prophet?

20. What if someone took the rights from others?

19. What if someone built a computer study class in the masjid?

18. Are our thoughts recorded by the angels?

17. If a mother feels hurt by what her son says or does?

16. How can I prepare for the Hereafter?

15. Is father-in-law financially responsible for the widowed wife of his son?

14. Hadith about fleeing to the mountain to escape from tribulations?

13. What advice would you give to get out of depression?

12. Does sheitan come back right away after we say Isti’azah?

11. Should we seek knowledge from the scholars of earlier generations?

10. How can we become Ahlul Quran (People of Quran)?

9. How can a person enter Jannah without going through the Day of Judgment?

8. Can I pray sunnah prayer and my wife prays her fard salah behind me?

7. What if you are saddened by a sudden calamity?

6. Is it okay to pray sitting in a car?

5. How many times to recite ruqyah for cure?

4. What if I travel driving by a car and missed all five prayers?

3. Why Don’t My Dreams Come True in This Life?

2. Are there any specific Surahs for Shifa (Cure)?

1. Why do I feel tiredness when reading the Quran?

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