Q&A Sessions


Q&A Sessions

with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan

400. Is it permissible to ask for money for ruqyah?

399. Question about asking and making du’a for others?

398. How can we identify people of knowledge?

397. How would a person know he has the characteristics of the Jama’ah of the Haqq?

396. Should we say “La Ilaha Illallah” after the Iqamah is done?

395. How to approach messages with religious content on social media?

394. How can a person make sure his heart is in a state of salah?

393. Is it permissible to argue and dispute with people of bid’ah?

392. What if someone can’t practice his deen locally and can’t do hijrah?

391. Can men trim hair short on sides and back and keep longer hair on the top?

390. Is it permissible for both men and women to wear wigs?

389. What if doubts come after Ibada is done?

388. Can we say to someone, “You are an angel”?

387. Did I miss rakat if I did ruku with jamaat, but missed Surah Al-Fatiha?

386. Are morning and evening adhkars recommended or mandatory?

385. Are morning knowledge lectures after Fajr also dhikr?

384. How much time should a Hafiz of the Quran spend to the Quran daily?

383. Is it permissible to cover mouth during prayer?

382. What if a person cannot afford to do aqeeqah for his child?

381. Can we walk in front of people, who pray during Tawaf?

380. How should the aqeeqah meat be distributed?

379. Should a person do aqeeqah for his child years later if not done before?

378. Should a person in front row wait if someone is still praying behind?

377. Is it sunnah to recite the athan and iqamah in the ear of a newborn?

376. Question about the slaughter of animals besides the Hajj and Eid al-Adha?

375. Can we read the Qur’an for the deceased, so that they get a reward?

374. Do parents get reward for their righteous children?

373. What time of day or night is best to do Istighfar?

372. Is the Duha prayer wajib for a traveler?

371. Can the Qur’an and music get and stay together in the heart?

370. Can I wash my nose more than three times during wudu?

369. Is it permissible to use soap while making wudu?

368. Can we say “Good luck” to someone, who has an exam for example?

367. Condolence etiquette question.

366. Can someone do Hajj for a person, who was unable to do so?

365. Are small children an excuse for a mother to delay Hajj?

364. Is the slaughter of animal a pillar or wajib of Hajj?

363. What to do if a person broke wudu during making tawaf?

362. What to do if a woman gets her period during the Hajj?

361. What to do if a person repeatedly falls into sin?

360. Should I quickly pray, stand or sit if I arrive one min before Iqama?

359. Can we use the words unfortunately or fortunately when we talk?

358. Is it okay to pray in a mall or public place where music is playing?

357. Is it okay for only one person to make an Itikaf?

356. Can a woman go home during the day during Itikaf?

355. Who has priority for a married woman – her parents or her husband?

354. Should we recite Surah Fatiha with the Imam?

353. Is it okay to reserve a place in the masjid for Itikaf?

352. Can a person make Itikaf in any masjid?

351. What if a person is delayed in paying zakat and can’t pay anymore?

350. Should we pray Tahiyatul Masjid before sunnah prayer in the masjid?

349. Can we give zakat to the masjid?

348. Can I pray sunnah in the masjid if I know I will be distracted at home?

347. What if a person paid zakat late?

346. Can a person assign a group or organization to distribute his zakat?

345. Can a person assign a group or organization to distribute his zakat?

344. Is it better to pray the sunnah Fajr prayer in a masjid?

343. How early can a person pay zakat?

342. What if you found mistakes made in paying zakat in previous years?

341. Question about paying zakat on long term and short term stocks?

340. What is the ruling of zakat on 401(k) plan?

339. Do I have to pay zakat on the property I rent out?

338. What is the definition of the Arabic word nasiha (نصيحه(?

337. What if a man or woman had multiple spouses or no spouses at all?

336. Question about wife and wives in Jannah?

335. Will parents be elevated in Jannah if children have a higher level?

334. Does crying harm the deceased?

333. What is the ruling in regards of blood donation?

332. Is it better to take the first row, but pray sunnah without a sutra?

331. Is it allowed to donate your body or organs after death?

330. Which three will break the prayer if they walk in front of a man?

329. Is it okay to reserve and purchase a grave in advance?

328. Do we pay zakat on real estate?

327. Does funeral prayer help the deceased?

326. Can we use water bottle as a sutra?

325. What is the ruling of Salatul Kusoof?

324. Is bayan in Enlish during Jumuah okay?

323. What if someone always has waswas, if he has wudu or not?

322. Is it okay for teenager son to pray Fajr at home?

321. Is it okay to pray Salatul-Eid at farm to slaughter animal earlier?

320. What if someone misses three consecutive Jumuah prayers?

319. Is it okay to use phone during Jumuah khutbah?

318. What if someone missed the Witr prayer?

317. Is collective morning dhikr in the masjid permissible?

316. How does Allah descend to first heaven in the third part of night?

315. How to protect our youth from negative influence of the tv industry?

314. Are gestures allowed during Jumuah Khutbah?

313. Is it permissible to sell silk and makeup?

312. Is it okay to pray Salat-ul-Eid right after Fajr prayer?

311. Question about buying and selling in the masjid and its boundary?

310. When is the best time to make money?

309. Is it okay to push kids closer to Imam during Friday khutbah?

308. Is it obligatory for women to come for Jumuah prayer as well?

307. Should people pray Al-Istisqa inside or outside?

306. Is it allowed to speak between Friday khutbah and prayer?

305. Can a Muslim woman work in a mixed non-Muslim environment?

304. Is it okay to leave and come back to your spot during Jumuah prayer?

303. What should we as Muslims do during the situation in Palestine?

302. Is it okay to have pants folded during the prayer?

301. Should women also wear clothing above ankle same as men?

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