Q&A Sessions


Q&A Sessions

with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan

600. Question about the difference between ruqya and medicine

599. Do we repay in the hereafter those who did good for us in this life?

598. Who can be a wali for a revert sister if all her family are Christians?

597. Question about wiping over leather and cloth socks

596. Question in regards of participation in interfaith events

595. What if a Muslim declares haram as halal, like music for example?

594. Question about the permissibility of magic tricks

593. Question about the length of athletic shorts and exposed knees

592. How to respond if a non-Muslim greets you with Salam?

591. Should I pull someone from the first row to back to join me for a second row?

590. Are those who deny the Prophet (ﷺ) as the last messenger disbelievers?

589. Can we give salam to people of bid’ah?

588. Is a poor person rewarded more for a one-dollar sadaqah than a rich person?

587. Question about the meaning of Al-Itab (العتاب)

586. Is marriage obligatory for a man when he is 20 years old or older?

585. How often should a man fast if he is still not married?

584. How to interact with the opposite gender during a job interview?

583. Isn’t it permissible for a woman to make dawah?

582. What constitutes the gaze between males and females?

581. What if a doctor advises abortion to save the mother’s life?

580. Can a man marry if he is unable to have marital relations or is infertile?

579. What age is considered as Shabab (شباب) or youth?

578. Question about those who will be called to make sujud, but won’t be able to

577. Question about du’a for protection from nifaq (hypocrisy)

576. Question about the thing that differentiates believers from hypocrites

575. Question regarding why Allah warns us not to approach certain things

574. What if I made Nadhar to fast for 10 days every month continuously?

573. What if a person made Nadhar (نذر( and died without fulfilling it?

572. Which sharh explanation of the Kitab at-Tawhid are you using sheikh?

571. Questions about few hadiths that some people of bid’ah wrongly interpreted

570. Question about committing to acts of worship that may become tough with age

569. Question about the matter of major and minor sins

568. Is it permissible to slaughter an animal in a non-Muslim home?

567. Question about the decoration of houses during Ramadan or mosques in general

566. Question about having intention when saying Nadhar (نذر)

565. What is the difference between Halaf (حلف) and Nadhar (نذر)?

564. What to do if you broke your oath to Allah?

563. Question about few aspects of an oath by Allah

562. Which morning and evening adhkar should never be missed when time is limited?

561. Is a marriage or divorce valid if it happened as a joke?

560. What are the pillars of the marriage contract for it to be valid?

559. Could you please give a list of age groups in Arabic?

558. What to do with clothes and other belongings after a person’s death?

557. Is it mandatory or recommended to draft a debt agreement or will?

556. Which deeds will help believers cross the Sirat bridge swiftly?

555. Which noor from this life will accompany believers on the Day of Judgment?

554. What is the last stage place before entering Jannah for believers?

553. Is spending on own family considered spending for the sake of Allah too?

552. What categories of people are recommended to give sadaqah?

551. How did the Sahabah transmit hadiths from the Prophet (ﷺ)?

549. Question about tradition that only sons inherit houses from parents

548. Is it okay to sit and wait if you arrive few min before Adhan of Maghreb?

547. Can a mother gift daughter jewelry, but still use it until daughter grows up?

546. Question about changing the name after reverting to Islam

545. Question about intention combining different prayers in one

544. Pray two rakats of Sunnah or make du’a between the Adhan and Iqamah?

543. Is it permissible to shoot an animal before slaughtering it?

542. What is the difference between halal meat and zabiha meat?

541. Can we eat meat from animals slaughtered without saying Bismillah?

540. Can a Muslim man marry a Christian or Jewish woman

539. Is it forbidden to beg for money from people?

538. How to remove greediness from the heart?

537. Does Allah accept charity from disbelievers?

536. What is the best cause for a Muslim to spend for the sake of Allah?

535. What if people attend the Jumu’ah prayer only and miss the khutbah?

534. How to seek pleasure of Allah?

533. Question regarding the permissibility of using tasbih beads.

532. Should children fulfill the dying wishes of their parents?

531. Can you please show the correct method of making dhikr with fingers?

530. Question about weather forecasting from the Islamic perspective?

529. Can a will be written with the condition to give it after the person’s death?

528. Question about the hadith, concerning pleasing people while displeasing Allah.

527. What is the difference between fard and wajibat?

526. Is it better pray against or for guidance for evildoers among disbelievers?

525. How can a person’s life change with the attainment of Haqqul Yaqin?

524. Is wearing pants below ankle haram or makruh?

523. Can we say sleeping after Fajr is Makruh (مكروه)?

522. What is Makruh (مكروه)?

521. How to maintain purity and attain the level of Al Mukarrabun?

520. Do sins keep accumulating after the death of the person who initiated them?

519. Does Sadaqah Jariyah involve only material things or also knowledge sharing?

518. Can Waqf be given orally or must it be written and can it be given to anyone?

517. What should the masjid do with a donated car when it becomes old?

516. Is it permissible to blow on a hot drink or food?

515. Can you change your mind if you have made a Waqf (endowment)?

514. Can recipient of Al-Waqf donate it to someone else when it becomes obsolete?

513. What is Iman and how is it linked to our actions?

512. Does the soul suffer if the body is burned or not buried properly?

511. Question about using a life support machine.

510. Is it from sunnah to recite the Qur’an at the grave?

509. What do people see at the moment of death?

508. Question about the relations between the heart as a physical organ and Iman.

507. Question about two types of vision An-Nadhar (النظر) and Al-Basar (البصر).

506. Query about the coexistence of Nafs and Mind in our physical body?

505. How does our rizq (sustenance) descend to us from the heavens?

504. The ruling of re-arranging the Quran?

503. What is the first thing every Muslim should learn?

502. How and when can we invoke Allah using His names?

501. Is it allowed to touch the Quran using gloves in a state of Janabah?

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