Friday Khutbah

Friday Khutbas

Friday Khutbahs (Sermons)

with Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan

Heedlessness: The Hidden Destruction of the Heart

The Virtue of the Day of Ashura

Perfecting the three levels of the religion

The two signs of Allah: Day and Night

The effect of Fitan on the hearts

The Best Days of the Year

Important message for those not going for Hajj

Listen and obey

Sahaba and the Quran

Struggling with oneself in Ramadan

Seek provisions in a beautiful way

Admonition to the heart

Patience and Taqwa

Unveiling the Essence of Humility and Exaltation in Proximity to Allah

Six themes of the Quran

What has the Quran planted in your heart?

Do not grieve over the past, and do not fear the future if you are a believer

Tawakkul, Trust and Reliance on Allah

Take the path to Allah

Allah has a perfect plan, just be patient

This life is nothing but a test

Don’t be Afraid And Relay On Allah

The Means Of Happiness In This Life

Those who are Saliheen (righteous)

Strive with yourself if you are a true believer

Gratitude to Allah through heart, speech and actions

Don’t be deceived by this life, Part 1

Don’t be deceived by this life, Part 2

Trust and Reliance on Allah

Pursue the Pleasure of Allah

Quran is a guidance for all mankind

Obedience to Allah | Respond to Allah immediately

Be grateful to Allah constantly!

Health is a favor of Allah

The spring of my heart, Part 1

The spring of my heart, Part 2

The position in which a person is closest to Allah