At-Targhib wat-Tarhib by Imam Al Mundhiri

At Targhib Wat Tarhib By Imam Al Mundhiri

At-Targhib wat-Tarhib by Imam Al Mundhiri

Kitab Al-Ikhlas
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Kitab As-Sunnah
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Be the first to do good and avoid evil
Part 1

Kitab Al-Ilm
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7. Encouragement to sit with ulyama

Part 8, Encouragement to spread knowledge

Part 9, Importance of knowledge

Part 10, Warning against concealing knowledge

Part 11, Warning against not acting according to ones speech

Part 12, Warning against claim of those who say they have knowledge

Part 13, Warning against arguments and debates that bring enmity

Chapter of At-Tahara
Part 1, The virtue of Wudu

Part 2, The virtue of Wudu

Part 3, The virtue of Wudu

Part 4, The virtue of Wudu

Part 5, The virtue of Wudu

Part 6, Warning against not saying Bismillah before wudu intentionally

Part 7, Encouragement and rewards for using a Siwak/Miswak

Part 8, Ensure that water flows over each area to be washed during wudu (ablution)

Part 9, Three adhkar to be said after each wudu (ablution)

Chapter of Adhan
Part 1, Reward for Responding to the Call of the Muadhin

Part 2, Warning against leaving the masjid after adhan without a valid reason

Encouragement for cleaning the mosques

Encouragement for building mosques in places where they are needed

Encouragement for walking to the masjid
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Encouragement for Praying Five Daily Prayers
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Encouragement to Pray with Jama’ah (Congregation)

Stay with the Jamaah, for the wolf devours the lone sheep

Encouragement to pray optional prayers at home

Encouraging to Guard the Fajr and Asr Prayers

Warning Against Avoiding Prayer in Congregation

Warning against men going to the last row and women going to the first row

Warning against not completing/ perfecting ruku and sujood

The first thing to be asked on the Day of Resurrection

Warning against raising one’s eyes during Salah

Warning against passing in front of musalleen during Salah

Warning against abandoning Salah intentionally
Part 1

Part 2

Warning against passing in front of musalleen during Salah

Encouragement to consistently pray the 12 optional raka’at

Encouragement to pray two rakats of the sunnah of Fajr prayer

Encouragement to go to bed in a state of tahara wudu

Encouragement to pray Qiyam ul-Layl

Hold fast to Qiyam ul-Layl

Great Benefits of the Night Prayer (Qiyam al-Layl)

Great Benefits of the Night Prayer (Qiyam al-Layl)

Encouragement to pray Duha (nafl) prayer

The Virtue of Sadaqa

A warning for those, who pray while struggling with sleep

Encouragement and Virtues of Giving Zakat

Importance of the Day of Jumu’ah and Some Rules to Follow

Important Hadith on the Rights of Muslims Towards One Another

The Importance and Benefits of Proper Intention

Encouragement to Turn to Allah Alone in Times of Calamity and Dire Need

Warning Against Withholding Zakat

Warning Against asking by the face of Allah

Encouragement to love one another for the sake of Allah

The reward for concern and fear that harm may afflict others

Hadith on the Prohibition of Opposite Gender Imitation

Encouragement for husband and wife to fulfill their rights toward each other